ng—i drea&039;d i y
i drea&039;d i y where flowers were sprgg
gaily the sunny bea;
list&039;ng to the wild birds sgg,
by a fallg crystal strea:
straight the sky grew bck and darg;
thro&039; the woods the whirlds rave;
tress with ad ars were warrg,
o&039;er the swellg drulie wave
such was y life&039;s deceitful orng,
such the pleasures i enjoyed:
but ng or noon, loud tepests storg
a&039; y flowery bliss destroy&039;d
tho&039; fickle fortune has deceiv&039;d —
she prois&039;d fair, and perfor&039;d but ill,
of ony a joy and hope bereav&039;d —
i bear a heart shall support still