locks gri, an&039; wither&039;d hags,
tell how wi&039; you, on ragweed nags,
they ski the uirs an&039; dizzy crags,
wi&039; wicked speed;
and kirk-yards renew their leagues,
owre howkit dead
thence untra wives, wi&039; toil and pa,
ay pn an&039; pn the kirn va;
for oh! the yellow treasure&039;s ta&039;en
by witch&039; skill;
an&039; dawtit, al-pt hawkie&039;s gane
as yell&039;s the bill
thence ystic knots ak great abe
on young guidn, fond, keen an&039; croe,
when the best wark- i&039; the hoe,
by cantrip wit,
is stant ade no worth a loe,
jt at the bit
when thowes dislve the snawy hoord,
an&039; float the jgl&039; icy boord,
then water-kelpies haunt the foord,
by your direction,
and &039;nighted trav&039;llers are alr&039;d
to their destruction
and aft your oss-travers spunkies
dey the wight that te an&039; drunk is:
the bleez, curst, ischievo onkies
dede his eyes,
till iry slough he sunk is,
ne&039;er air to rise
when ans&039; ystic word an&039; grip
stors an&039; tepests raise you up,
ck or cat your ra aun s,
or, stran to tell!
the younst brither ye wad whip
aff straught to hell
ng syne eden&039;s bonie yard,
when youthfu&039; lovers first were pair&039;d,
an&039; all the ul of love they shar&039;d,
the raptur&039;d hour,
sweet on the fragrant flow&039;ry swaird,
shady bower;
then you, ye auld, snick-drag dog!
ye ca to paradise g,
an&039; py&039;d on an a cursed brogue,
(bck be your fa&039;!)
an&039; gied the fant warld a shog,
&039;aist rui&039;d a&039;
d&039;ye d that day when a bizz
wi&039; reekit duds, an&039; reestit gizz,
ye did present your soutie phiz
&039;ang better folk,
an&039; sklented on t