stch drk
gie hi strong drk until he k,
that&039;s skg despair;
an&039; lior guid to fire his bid,
that&039;s prest wi&039; grief and care:
there let hi boe, an&039; deep caroe,
wi&039; bupers flog o&039;er,
till he fets his loves or debts,
an&039; ds his griefs no ore
(loon&039;s proverbs, xxxi 6, 7)
let other poets raise a fracas
&039;bout ves, an&039; es, an&039; drucken bah,
an&039; crabbit nas an&039;stories wrack ,
an&039; grate our g:
i sg the juice stch bear can ak ,
gss or jug
o thou, y e! guid auld stch drk!
whether thro&039; wipl wors thou jk,
or, richly brown, rea owre the brk,
glorio fae,
spire , till i lisp an&039; k,
to sg thy na!
let hky wheat the haughs adorn,
an&039; aits set up their awnie horn,
an&039; pease and beans, at e&039;en or orn,
perfu the p:
leeze on thee, john barleyrn,
thou kg o&039; gra!
on thee aft stnd chows her od,
uple snes, the wale o&039;food!
or tubl the boilg flood
wi&039; kail an&039; beef;
but when thou pours thy strong heart&039;s blood,
there thou shes chief
food fills the wa, an&039; keeps leev;
tho&039; life&039;s a gift no worth receiv,
when heavy-dragg&039;d wi&039; pe an&039; griev;
but, oil&039;d by thee,
the wheels o&039; life gae down-hill, scriev,
wi&039; rattl glee
thou clears the head o&039;doited lear;
thou cheers ahe heart o&039; droopg care;
thou strgs the nerves o&039; bour sair,
at&039;s weary toil;
though even brightens dark despair
wi&039; glooy sile
aft, cd assy siller weed,
wi&039; ntles thou erects thy head;
yet, hubly kd ti o&039; need,
the poor an&039;s e;
his weep drap parritch, or his bread,
thou kitchens fe
thou art the life o&039