the nt
oasioned by the unfortunate issue of a friend&039;s aour
as! how oft does goodness would itself,
and sweet affection prove the sprg of woe!
o thou pale orb that silent shes
while care-untroubled ortals sleep!
thou seest a wretch who ly pes
and wanders here to wail and weep!
with woe i nightly vigils keep,
beneath thy wan, unwarg bea;
and ourn, ntation deep,
how life and love are all a drea!
i joyless view thy rays adorn
the fatly-arked, distant hill;
i joyless view thy treblg horn,
reflected the gurglg rill:
y fondly-ftterg heart, be still!
thou by pow&039;r, rebrance, cease!
ah! t the agonizg thrill
for ever bar returng peace!
no idly-feign&039;d, poetic pas,
y sad, love-lorn ntgs ci:
no shepherd&039;s pipe-arcadian stras;
no fabled tortures, at and ta
the plighted faith, the utual f,
the oft-attested pow&039;rs above,
the prois&039;d father&039;s tender na;
these were the pleds of y love!
encircled her cspg ars,
how have the raptur&039;d onts flown!
how have i wish&039;d for fortune&039;s chars,
for her dear sake, and her&039;s alone!
and, t i thk it! is she gone,
y secret heart&039;s exultg boast?
and does she heedless hear y groan?
and is she ever, ever lost?
oh! can she bear base a heart,
lost to honour, lost to truth,
as fro the fondest lover part,
the plighted hband of her youth?
as! life&039;s path ay be unsooth!
her way ay lie thro&039; rough distress!
then, who her pangs and pas will othe
her rrows share, and ake the less?
ye d hours that o&039;er pass&039;d,
enraptur&039;d ore, the ore enjoy&039;d,
your dear rebrance y breast
y fondly-treasur&039;d thoughts eploy&039;d:
that breast, how dreary now,