ng—y highnd ssie, o
tune—“the deuks dang o&039;er y daddy”
nae ntle das, tho&039; e&039;er sae fair,
shall ever be y e&039;s care:
their titles a&039; arc epty show;
gie y highnd ssie, o
chor—with the glen sae bhy, o,
aboon the p sae rashy, o,
i set down wi&039; right guid will,
to sg y highnd ssie, o
o were yon hills and vallies e,
yon pace and yon gardens fe!
the world then the love should know
i bear y highnd ssie, o
but fickle fortune frowns on ,
and i aun cross the ragg sea!
but while y crin currents flow,
i&039;ll love y highnd ssie, o
altho&039; thro&039; foreign clis i ran,
i know her heart will never chan,
for her bo burns with honour&039;s glow,
y faithful highnd ssie, o
for her i&039;ll dare the billow&039;s roar,
for her i&039;ll trace a distant shore,
that dian wealth ay stre throw
around y highnd ssie, o
she has y heart, she has y hand,
by secret troth and honour&039;s band!
till the ortal stroke shall y low,
i&039; the, y highnd ssie, o
farewell the glen sae bhy, o!
farewell the p sae rashy, o!
to other nds i now t go,
to sg y highnd ssie, o