a drea
thoughts, words, and deeds, the statute bs with rean;
but surely dreas were ne&039;er dicted trean
on readg, the public papers, the ureate&039;s ode, with the other parade of june 4th, 1786, the author was no oner dropt asleep, than he iaged hiself transported to the birth-day levee: and, his dreag fancy, ade the follog address:
guid-orn&039; to our ajesty!
ay heaven augnt your blisses
on ev&039;ry new birth-day ye see,
a huble poet wishes
y bardship here, at your levee
on sic a day as this is,
is sure an unuth sight to see,
aang thae birth-day dresses
sae fe this day
i see ye&039;re plinted thrang,
by ony a lord an&039; dy;
“god save the kg” &039;s a cuckoo sang
that&039;s un easy said aye:
the poets, too, a venal gang,
wi&039; rhys weel-turn&039;d an&039; ready,
wad gar you trow ye ne&039;er do wrang,
but aye unerrg steady,
on sic a day
for ! before a onarch&039;s face
ev&039;n there i na ftter;
for neither pension, post, nor pce,
a i your huble debtor:
, nae reflection on your grace,
your kgship to bespatter;
there&039;s ony waur been o&039; the race,
and aibls ane been better
than you this day
&039;tis very true, y vereign kg,
y skill ay weel be doubted;
but facts are chiels that na dg,
an&039; downa be disputed:
your royal nest, beneath your g,
is e&039;en right reft and clouted,
and now the third part o&039; the strg,
an&039; less, will gang aboot it
than did ae day
far be&039;t frae that i aspire
to b your legistion,
or say, ye wisdo want, or fire,
to rule this ighty nation:
but faith! i uckle doubt, y sire,
ye&039;ve trted istration
to chaps wha barn or byre
wad better fill&039;d their station
than urts yon day