nature&039;s w—a poe
hubly scribed to gav hailton, esq
great nature spoke: observant an obey&039;d—pope
let other heroes boast their scars,
the arks of sturt and strife:
and other poets sg of wars,
the pgues of huan life:
sha fa&039; the fun, wi&039; sword and gun
to sp ankd like ber!
i sg his na, and nobler fa,
wha ultiplies our nuber
great nature spoke, with air benign,
“go on, ye huan race;
this lower world i you resign;
be fruitful and crease
the liid fire of strong desire
i&039;ve pour&039;d it each bo;
here, on this had, does ankd stand,
and there is beauty&039;s blos”
the hero of these artless stras,
a lowly bard was he,
who sung his rhys i&039;s ps,
with ikle irth an&039;glee;
kd nature&039;s care had given his share
r, of the fg current;
and, all devout, he never ught
to ste the sacred torrent
he felt the powerful, high behest
thrill, vital, thro&039; and thro&039;;
and ught a rrespondent breast,
to give obedience due:
propitio powers screen&039;d the young flow&039;rs,
fro ildews of abortion;
and low! the bard—a great reward—
has got a double portion!
auld cantie il ay unt the day,
as annual it returns,
the third of libra&039;s eal sway,
that gave another burns,
with future rhys, an&039; other tis,
to eute his sire:
to sg auld il nobler style
with ore poetic fire
ye powers of peace, and peaceful ng,
look down with gracio eyes;
and bless auld i, r and long,
with ultiplyg joys;
ng ay she stand to prop the nd,
the flow&039;r of ancient nations;
and burnses sprg, her fa to sg,
to endless nerations!