prove your sp&039;ritual foe,
you should reber
to cut it aff—an&039; what for no
your dearest ber?”
“na, na, (o&039; i,) i&039; no for that,
ldg&039;s nae better than &039;tis ca&039;t;
i&039;d rather suffer for y faut
a hearty flewit,
as sair owre hip as ye can draw&039;t,
tho&039; i should rue it
“or, g ye like to end the bother,
to please a&039;—i&039;ve jt ae ither—
when next wi&039; yon ss i father,
whate&039;er betide it,
i&039;ll frankly gie her &039;t a&039; thegither,
an&039; let her guide it”
but, sir, this pleas&039;d the warst of a&039;,
an&039; therefore, ta, when that i saw,
i said “gude night,” an&039; ca&039; awa&039;,
an&039; left the session;
i saw they were relved a&039;
on y oppression