anic ng
tune—“shawn-boy,” or “over the water to charlie”
ye ns of old killie, assebled by willie,
to follow the noble vocation;
your thrifty old other has scarce such another
to sit that honoured station
i&039;ve little to say, but only to pray,
as prayg&039;s the ton of your fashion;
a prayer fro thee e you well ay exce
&039;tis seldo her favourite passion
ye powers who preside o&039;er the d, and the tide,
who arked each elent&039;s border;
who ford this fra with beneficent ai,
whose vereign statute is order:—
with this dear ansion, ay wayward ntention
or withered envy ne&039;er enter;
ay secrecy round be the ystical bound,
and brotherly love be the centre!