address to w tytler, esq, of woodhoelee
with an ipression of the author&039;s portrait
revered defender of beauteo stuart,
of stuart, a na once respected;
a na, which to love was the ark of a true heart,
but now &039;tis despis&039;d and neglected
tho&039; thg like oisture nglobes y eye,
let no one isdee disloyal;
a poor friendless wand&039;rer ay well ci a sigh,
still ore if that wand&039;rer were royal
y fathers that na have rever&039;d on a throne:
y fathers have fallen to right it;
those fathers would spurn their denerate n,
that na should he sffgly slight it
still prayers for kg e i ost heartily jo,
the een, and the rest of the ntry:
be they wise, be they foolish, is nothg of e;
their title&039;s avow&039;d by y untry
but why of that epocha ake such a fs,
that gave th&039; electoral ste?
if brgg the over was cky for ,
i&039; sure &039;as as cky for the
but, loyalty, truce! we&039;re on danro ground;
who knows how the fashions ay alter?
the doctre, to-day, that is loyalty und,
to-orrow ay brg a halter!
i send you a trifle, a head of a bard,
a trifle scarce worthy your care;
but aept it, good sir, as a ark of regard,
scere as a sat&039;s dyg prayer
now life&039;s chilly eveng di shades on your eye,
and hers the long dreary night:
but you, like the star that athwart gilds the sky,
your urse to the test is bright