burlese nt for the absence of willia creech, publisher
auld chuckie reekie&039;s sair distrest,
down droops her ance weel burnish&039;d crest,
nae joy her bonie bkit nest
can yield ava,
her darlg bird that she lo&039;es best—
willie&039;s awa!
o willie was a witty wight,
and had o&039; thgs an un&039; sleight,
auld reekie aye he keepit tight,
and trig an&039; braw:
but now they&039;ll bk her like a fright,—
willie&039;s awa!
the stiffest o&039; the a&039; he bow&039;d,
the bauldest o&039; the a&039; he w&039;d;
they durst nae air than he allow&039;d,
that was a w:
we&039;ve lost a birkie weel worth gowd;
willie&039;s awa!
now gawkies, tawpies, gowks and fools,
frae lles and boardg schools,
ay sprout like sir puddock-stools
glen or shaw;
he wha uld brh the down to ools—
willie&039;s awa!
the brethren o&039; the rce-chaur
ay ourn their loss wi&039; doolfu&039; cour;
he was a dictionar and graar
aong the a&039;;
i fear they&039;ll now ak ony a star;
willie&039;s awa!
nae air we see his levee door
philophers and poets pour,
and toothy critics by the sre,
bloody raw!
the adjutant o&039; a&039; the re—
willie&039;s awa!
now worthy gregory&039;s t face,
tytler&039;s and greenfield&039;s odest grace;
ackenzie, stewart, such a brace
as ro ne&039;er saw;
they a&039; aun et ither pce,
willie&039;s awa!
poor burns ev&039;n stch drk canna icken,
he cheeps like bewilder&039;d chicken
scar&039;d frae it&039;s nie and the cleck,
by hoodie-craw;
grieg&039;s gien his heart an un kick,
willie&039;s awa!
now ev&039;ry ur-ou&039;d girn blel,
and calv&039;s folk, are fit to fell hi;
ilk self-nceited critic skel
his ill ay dr