theniel nzies&039; bonie ary
air—“the ruffian&039;s rant,” or “roy&039;s wife”
by the brig o&039; dye,
at darlet we a blk did tarry;
as day was dawn the sky,
we drank a health to bonie ary
chor—theniel nzies&039; bonie ary,
theniel nzies&039; bonie ary,
charlie grigor tt his pidie,
kiss&039; theniel&039;s bonie ary
her een sae bright, her brow sae white,
her haffet locks as brown&039;s a berry;
and aye they dipl&039;t wi&039; a sile,
the rosy cheeks o&039; bonie ary
theniel nzies&039; bonie ary, c
we p a&039; danc&039;d the lee-ng day,
till piper ds were wae and weary;
but charlie gat the sprg to pay
for kiss theniel&039;s bonie ary
theniel nzies&039; bonie ary, c