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S —I H W O M A(1 / 1)

ng—i hae a wife o&039; y a

i hae a wife of y a,

i&039;ll partake wi&039; naebody;

i&039;ll take cuckold frae nane,

i&039;ll gie cuckold to naebody

i hae a penny to spend,

there—thanks to naebody!

i hae naethg to lend,

i&039;ll borrow frae naebody

i a naebody&039;s lord,

i&039;ll be sve to naebody;

i hae a gude braid sword,

i&039;ll tak dunts frae naebody

i&039;ll be rry and free,

i&039;ll be sad for naebody;

naebody cares for ,

i care for naebody

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