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Th F O Th L(1 / 1)

the fall of the leaf

the zy ist hangs fro the brow of the hill,

ncealg the urse of the dark-dg rill;

how nguid the scenes, te sprightly, appear!

as autun to ter resigns the pale year

the forests are leafless, the adows are brown,

and all the gay foppery of sur is flown:

apart let wander, apart let e,

how ick ti is flyg, how keen fate pursues!

how long i have liv&039;d—but how uch liv&039;d va,

how little of life&039;s scanty span ay rea,

what aspects old ti his progress has worn,

what ties cruel fate, y bo has torn

how foolish, or worse, till our suit is ga&039;d!

and downward, how weaken&039;d, how darken&039;d, how pa&039;d!

life is not worth havg with all it can give—

for thg beyond it poor an sure t live

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