epistle to jas tennant of glennner
auld rade dear, and brither sner,
how&039;s a&039; the folk about glennner?
how do you this be eastl d,
that&039;s like to bw a body bld?
for , y faculties are frozen,
y dearest ber nearly dozen&039;d
i&039;ve sent you here, by johnie sin,
a sa philophers to glipse on;
sith, wi&039; his sypathetic feelg,
an&039; reid, to on sense appealg
philophers have fought and wrangled,
an&039; ikle greek an&039; t angled,
till wi&039; their logic-jargon tir&039;d,
and the depth of science ir&039;d,
to on sense they now appeal,
what wives and wabsters see and feel
but, hark ye, friend! i char you strictly,
pere the, an&039; return the ickly:
for now i&039; grown sae cursed douce
i pray and ponder butt the hoe;
y shs, y ne, i there sit roast&039;,
perg bunyan, brown, an&039; boston,
till by an&039; by, if i haud on,
i&039;ll grunt a real gospel-groan:
already i beg to try it,
to cast y e&039;en up like a pyet,
when by the gun she tubles o&039;er
ftt&039;rg an&039; gaspg her gore:
sae shortly you shall see bright,
a burng an&039; a shg light
y heart-war love to guid auld glen,
the ace an&039; wale of honest n:
when bendg down wi&039; auld grey hairs
beneath the load of years and cares,
ay he who ade hi still support hi,
an&039; views beyond the grave fort hi;
his worthy fa&039;ly far and near,
god bless the a&039; wi&039; grace and ar!
y auld schoolfellow, preacher willie,
the anly tar, y an-billie,
and auchenbay, i wish hi joy,
if he&039;s a parent, ss or boy,
ay he be dad, and g the ither,
jt five-and-forty years thegither!
and no fettg wabster charlie,
i&039; tauld he offers very fairly
an&039; lord, reber sgg san