whistle o&039;er the ve o&039;t
first when aggie was y care,
heav&039;n, i thought, was her air,
now we&039;re arried—speir nae air,
but whistle o&039;er the ve o&039;t!
g was ek, and g was ild,
sweet and harless as a child—
wiser n than &039;s beguil&039;d;
whistle o&039;er the ve o&039;t!
how we live, y g and ,
how we love, and how we gree,
i care na by how few ay see—
whistle o&039;er the ve o&039;t!
wha i wish were aggot&039;s at,
dish&039;d up her dg-sheet,
i uld write—but g aun see&039;t—
whistle o&039;er the ve o&039;t!