the gowden locks of anna
yestreen i had a pt o&039; e,
a pce where body saw na;
yestreen y on this breast o&039; e
the gowden locks of anna
the hungry jew wilderness,
rejoicg o&039;er his anna,
was naethg to y hny bliss
upon the lips of anna
ye onarchs, take the east and west
frae d to savannah;
gie , with y strag grasp,
the ltg for of anna:
there i&039;ll despise iperial chars,
an epress or sultana,
while dyg raptures her ars
i give and take wi&039; anna!
awa, thou funtg god of day!
awa, thou pale diana!
ilk star, gae hide thy klg ray,
when i&039; to et y anna!
e, thy raven pa, night,
(sun, oon, and stars, withdrawn a&039;;)
and brg an anl-pen to write
y transports with y anna!