election bald
at the close of the ntest for representg the dufries burghs, 1790
addressed to r graha, esq of ftry
ftry, y stay wordly strife,
friend o&039; y e, friend o&039; y life,
are ye as idle&039;s i a?
e then, wi&039; unuth ktra fleg,
o&039;er pegas i&039;ll flg y leg,
and ye shall see try hi
but where shall i go r a ride,
that i ay sptter nane beside?
i wad na be uncivil:
anhood&039;s vario paths and ways
there&039;s aye doyt&039; body strays,
and i ride like the devil
th i break aff wi&039; a&039; y birr,
and down yon dark, deep alley spur,
where theologics daunder:
as! curst wi&039; eternal fogs,
and dan&039;d everstg bogs,
as sure&039;s the creed i&039;ll bnder!
i&039;ll sta a band, or jaup a gown,
or r y reckless, guilty crown
agast the haly door:
sair do i rue y ckless fate,
when, as the e an&039; deil wad hae&039;t,
i rade that road before
suppose i take a spurt, and ix
aang the wilds o&039; politics—
electors and elected,
where dogs at urt (sad ns of bitches!)
septennially a adness touches,
till all the nd&039;s fected
all hail! drunrig&039;s haughty grace,
discarded renant of a race
once godlike—great story;
thy forbears&039; virtues all ntrasted,
the very na of dougs bsted,
the that verted glory!
hate, envy, oft the dougs bore,
but thou hast superadded ore,
and sunk the ntept;
follies and cris have sta&039;d the na,
but, eensberry, the the virg ci,
fro aught that&039;s good exept!
i&039;ll sg the zeal drunrig bears,
who left the all-iportant cares
of prces, and their darlgs:
and, bent on ng borough touns,
ca shakg hands wi&039; wabster-loons,
and kissg barefit carls
btion thro&039; our bor