epigra at brownhill n 注释标题 ban was the na of a presuably trive host the les are said to have “afforded uch aent”—ng
at brownhill we always t daty good cheer,
and plenty of ban each day the year;
we&039;ve a&039; thg that&039;s nice, and ostly sean,
but why always ban—e, tell a rean?
you&039;re wele, willie stewart
chor—you&039;re wele, willie stewart,
you&039;re wele, willie stewart,
there&039;s ne&039;er a flower that bloos ay,
that&039;s half sae wele&039;s thou art!
e, bupers high, express your joy,
the bowl we aun renew it,
the tappet hen, gae brg her ben,
to wele willie stewart,
you&039;re wele, willie stewart, c
ay foes be strang, and friends be sck
ilk action, ay he rue it,
ay woan on hi turn her back
that wrangs thee, willie stewart,
you&039;re wele, willie stewart, c