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F Th F A L I L(1 / 1)

frae the friends and nd i love

tune—“carron side”

frae the friends and nd i love,

driv&039;n by fortune&039;s felly spite;

frae y best belov&039;d i rove,

never air to taste delight:

never air aun hope to fd

ease frae toil, relief frae care;

when rebrance wracks the d,

pleasures but unveil despair

brightest clis shall irk appear,

desert ilka bloog shore,

till the fates, nae air severe,

friendship, love, and peace restore,

till reven, wi&039; urel&039;d head,

brg our banished ha aga;

and ilk loyal, bonie d

cross the seas, and his a

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