en onroes;
he hacks to teach, they angle to expose:
his heart by caeless wanton alice wrung,
by blockheads&039; darg to adness stung;
his well-won bays, than life itself ore dear,
by iscreants torn, who ne&039;er one sprig t wear;
foil&039;d, bleedg, tortur&039;d th&039; uneal strife,
the hapless poet flounders on thro&039; life:
till, fled each hope that once his bo fir&039;d,
and fled each e that glorio once spir&039;d,
low sunk salid, unprotected a,
dead even resentnt for his jur&039;d pa,
he heeds or feels no ore the ruthless critic&039;s ra!
, by hed, the n&039;ro steed deceas&039;d,
for half-starv&039;d snarlg curs a daty feast;
by toil and fae wore to sk and bone,
lies, senseless of each tuggg bitch&039;s n
o dulness! portion of the truly blest!
cal shelter&039;d haven of eternal rest!
thy ns ne&039;er adden the fierce extres
of fortune&039;s por frost, or torrid beas
if antlg high she fills the golden cup,
with ber selfish ease they sip it up;
nscio the bounteo ed they well deserve,
they only wonder “ folks” do not starve
the grave sa hern th easy picks his frog,
and thks the alrd a sad worthless dog
when disappotnts snaps the ce of hope,
and thro&039; disastro night they darklg grope,
with deaf endurance sggishly they bear,
and jt ncde that “fools are fortune&039;s care”
, heavy, passive to the tepest&039;s shocks,
strong on the sign-post stands the stupid ox
not the idle es&039; ad-cap tra,
not such the workgs of their oon-struck bra;
eaniity they never dwell,
by turns arg heav&039;n, or vaulted hell
i dread thee, fate, relentless and severe,
with all a poet&039;s, hband&039;s, father&039;s fear!
already one strong hold of hope is lost—
glencairn, the truly noble, lies dt