y llier ddie
“whare live ye, y bonie ss?
and tell what they ca&039; ye;”
“y na,” she says, “is istress jean,
and i follow the llier ddie”
“y na, she says, c
“see you not yon hills and dales
the sun shes on sae brawlie;
they a&039; are e, and they shall be the,
g ye&039;ll leave your llier ddie
“they a&039; are e, c
“ye shall gang gay attire,
weel bkit up sae gaudy;
and ane to wait on every hand,
g ye&039;ll leave your llier ddie”
“and ane to wait, c
“tho&039; ye had a&039; the sun shes on,
and the earth nceals sae lowly,
i wad turn y back on you and it a&039;,
and ebrace y llier ddie
“i wad turn y back, c
“i can y five pennies a day,
an&039; spen&039;t at night fu&039; brawlie:
and ake y bed the llier&039;s neuk,
and lie down wi&039; y llier ddie
“and ake y bed, c
“love for love is the barga for ,
tho&039; the wee t-hoe should haud ;
and the warld before to y bread,
and fair fa&039; y llier ddie!”
“and the warld before , c