o can ye bour lea?
chor—o can ye bour lea, young an,
o can ye bour lea?
it fee nor bountith shall e
g ye can bour lea
i fee&039;d a an at ichaelas,
wi&039; airle pennies three;
but a&039; the faut i had to hi,
he uld na bour lea,
o can ye bour lea, c
o cpp&039;s gude febarwar,
an&039; kiss&039;s sweet ay;
but y delight&039;s the ploughan d,
that weel can bour lea,
o can ye bour lea, c
o kiss is the key o&039; ve,
and cpp&039; is the lock;
an&039; ak&039; o&039;s the best thg yet,
that e&039;er a young thg gat
o can ye bour lea, c