braw ds o&039; gal water
braw, braw ds on yarrow-braes,
they rove aang the bloog heather;
but yarrow braes, nor ettrick shaws
can atch the ds o&039; gal water
but there is ane, a secret ane,
aboon the a&039; i loe hi better;
and i&039;ll be his, and he&039;ll be e,
the bonie d o&039; gal water
altho&039; his daddie was nae ird,
and tho&039; i hae nae ikle tocher,
yet rich kdest, truest love,
we&039;ll tent our flocks by gal water
it ne&039;er was wealth, it ne&039;er was wealth,
that ft ntentnt, peace, or pleasure;
the bands and bliss o&039; utual love,
o that&039;s the chiefest warld&039;s treasure