les on the oration of rodney&039;s victory
stead of a ng, boy&039;s, i&039;ll give you a toast;
here&039;s to the ory of those on the elfth that we lost!—
that we lost, did i say?—nay, by heav&039;n, that we found;
for their fa it will st while the world goes round
the next suession i&039;ll give you&039;s the kg!
whoe&039;er would betray hi, on high ay he sg!
and here&039;s the grand fabric, our free nstitution,
as built on the base of our great revotion!
and lonr with politics not to be cra&039;d,
be anarchy curs&039;d, and tyranny dan&039;d!
and who would to liberty e&039;er prove disloyal,
ay his n be a hangan—and he his first trial!