ng—phillis the fair
tune—“rob adair”
while rks, with little g,
fann&039;d the pure air,
tastg the breathg sprg,
forth i did fare:
gay the sun&039;s golden eye
peep&039;d o&039;er the ountas high;
such thy orn! did i cry,
phillis the fair
each bird&039;s careless ng,
gd i did share;
while yon wild-flowers aong,
chance led there!
sweet to the op&039;ng day,
rosebuds bent the dewy spray;
such thy bloo! did i say,
phillis the fair
down a shady walk,
doves og were;
i ark&039;d the cruel hawk
caught a snare:
kd ay fortune be,
such ake his desty,
he who would jure thee,
phillis the fair