where are the joys i have t?
tune—“saw ye y father”
where are the joys i have t the orng,
that danc&039;d to the rk&039;s early ng?
where is the peace that awaited y wand&039;rg,
at eveng the wild-woods aong?
no ore a dg the urse of yon river,
and arkg sweet flowerets fair,
no ore i trace the light footsteps of pleasure,
but rrow and sad-sighg care
is it that sur&039;s forsaken our valleys,
and gri, surly ter is near?
no, no, the bees hug round the gay roses
proci it the pride of the year
fa would i hide what i fear to disver,
yet long, long, too well have i known;
all that has caed this wreck y bo,
is jenny, fair jenny alone
ti cannot aid , y griefs are iortal,
nor hope dare a fort bestow:
e then, enaour&039;d and fond of y anguish,
enjoynt i&039;ll seek y woe