it was a&039; for our rightfu&039; kg
it was a&039; for our rightfu&039; kg
we left fair stnd&039;s strand;
it was a&039; for our rightfu&039; kg
we e&039;er saw irish nd, y dear,
we e&039;er saw irish nd
now a&039; is done that n can do,
and a&039; is done va;
y love and native nd fareweel,
for i aun cross the a, y dear,
for i aun cross the a
he turn&039;d hi right and round about,
upon the irish shore;
and gae his bridle res a shake,
with adieu for everore, y dear,
and adiue for everore
the r frae the wars returns,
the sailor frae the a;
but i hae parted frae y love,
never to et aga, y dear,
never to et aga
when day is gane, and night is e,
and a&039; folk bound to sleep;
i thk on hi that&039;s far awa,
the lee-ng night, and weep, y dear,
the lee-ng night, and weep