the oper o&039; cuddy
tune—“bab at the bowster”
chor—we&039;ll hide the oper beht the door,
beht the door, beht the door,
we&039;ll hide the oper beht the door,
and ver hi under a awn, o
the oper o&039; cuddy ca here awa,
he ca&039;d the girrs out o&039;er a&039;;
an&039; our gudewife has gotten a ca&039;,
that&039;s anr&039;d the silly gudean o
we&039;ll hide the oper, c
he ught the out, he ught the ,
wi&039; deil hae her! an&039;, deil hae hi!
but the body he was sae doited and bl&039;,
he wist na where he was gaun o
we&039;ll hide the oper, c
they oper&039;d at e&039;en, they oper&039;d at orn,
till our gudean has gotten the srn;
on ilka brow she&039;s pnted a horn,
and swears that there they sall stan&039; o
we&039;ll hide the oper, c