sed, chucked
otie, a sall pail
otie, leg-pd
rbies, ravens, crows
re, rps
rn ou, rn heap
rn&039;t, fed with rn
rse, rpse
rss, cross
u&039;dna, uldna, uldn&039;t
untra, untry
up, to capsize
uthie, uthy, lovg, affable, sy, fortable
we, to scare, to daunt
we, to lop
crack, tale; a chat; talk
crack, to chat, to talk
craft, croft
craft-rig, croft-rid
craig, the throat
craig, a crag
craigie, di of craig, the throat
craigy, craggy
craik, the rn-crake, the nd-rail
crabo-clk, rhy
crabo-jgle, rhyg
cran, the support for a pot or kettle
cranko, fretful
cranks, creakgs
cranreuch, hoar-frost
crap, crop,
craw, crow
creel, an osier basket
creepie-chair, stool of repentance
creeshie, greasy
crocks, old ewes
cronie, tiate friend
crooded, oed
croods, os
croon, oan, low
croon, to toll
croong, hug
croose, croe, cksure, set, proud, cheerful
crouchie, hunchbacked
croely, nfidently
crowdie, al and ld water, al and ilk, porrid
crowdie-ti, porrid-ti (i e, breakfast-ti)
crowl, crawlg
cruie, a horned w
cruock, cuock, a cudl, a crooked staff
crup, crisp
crunt, a blow
cuddle, to fondle
cuif, of, a dolt, a nny; a dastard
cuock, v cruock
curch, a kerchief for the head
curchie, a curtsy
curler, one who pys at curlg
cururrg, otion
curp, the crupper of a horse
curple, the crupper (i e, buttocks)
chat, the wood pion
ctock, the pith of the lewort
cutes, feet, ankles
cutty, short
cutty-stools, stools of repentance
dad, daddie, father
daez&039;t, dazed
daff, rkg, fun
daft, ad, foolish
dails, pnks
dain icker, an odd ea