tune—“y nanie, o”
behd yon hills where gar flows,
&039;ang oors an&039; osses any, o,
the try sun the day has clos&039;d,
and i&039;ll awa to nanie, o
the westl d bws loud an&039; shill;
the night&039;s baith irk and ray, o;
but i&039;ll t y pid an&039; out i&039;ll steal,
an&039; owre the hill to nanie, o
y nanie&039;s charg, sweet, an&039; young;
nae artfu&039; wiles to ye, o:
ay ill befa&039; the ftterg tongue
that wad beguile y nanie, o
her face is fair, her heart is true;
as spotless as she&039;s bonie, o:
the op&039;ng gowan, wat wi&039; dew,
nae purer is than nanie, o
a untry d is y degree,
an&039; few there be that ken , o;
but what care i how few they be,
i&039; wele aye to nanie, o
y riches a&039;s y penny-fee,
an&039; i aun guide it cannie, o;
but warl&039;s ar ne&039;er troubles ,
y thoughts are a&039; y nanie, o
our auld guidan delights to view
his sheep an&039; kye thrive bonie, o;
but i&039; as blythe that hands his pleugh,
an&039; has nae care but nanie, o
e weel, e woe, i care na by;
i&039;ll tak what heav&039;n will sen&039; , o:
nae ither care life have i,
but live, an&039; love y nanie, o