ng—green grow the rashes
a fragnt
chor—green grow the rashes, o;
green grow the rashes, o;
the sweetest hours that e&039;er i spend,
are spent aang the sses, o
there&039;s nought but care on ev&039;ry han&039;,
ev&039;ry hour that passes, o:
what signifies the life o&039; an,
an&039; &039;ere na for the sses, o
green grow, c
the war&039;ly race ay riches chase,
an&039; riches still ay fly the, o;
an&039; tho&039; at st they catch the fast,
their hearts can ne&039;er enjoy the, o
green grow, c
but gie a cannie hour at e&039;en,
y ars about y dearie, o;
an&039; war&039;ly cares, an&039; war&039;ly n,
ay a&039; gae tapsalteerie, o!
green grow, c
for you sae douce, ye sneer at this;
ye&039;re nought but senseless asses, o:
the wisest an the warl&039; e&039;er saw,
he dearly lov&039;d the sses, o
green grow, c
auld nature swears, the lovely dears
her noblest work she csses, o:
her prentice han&039; she try&039;d on an,
an&039; then she ade the sses, o
green grow, c