t fao ugh
at the this day”
h i, “wi&039; a&039; y heart, i&039;ll do&039;t;
i&039;ll t y sunday&039;s sark on,
an&039; et you on the holy spot;
faith, we&039;se hae fe reark!”
then i gaed ha at crowdie-ti,
an&039; on i ade ready;
for roads were cd, frae side to side,
wi&039; ony a weary body
droves that day
here farrs gash, rid graith,
gaed hodd by their tters;
there swankies young, braw braid-cith,
are sprgg owre the gutters
the sses, skelp barefit, thrang,
silks an&039; scarlets glitter;
wi&039; sweet-ilk cheese, ony a whang,
an&039; farls, bak&039;d wi&039; butter,
fu&039; crup that day
when by the pte we set our nose,
weel heaped up wi&039; ha&039;pence,
a greedy glowr bck-bon throws,
an&039; we aun draw our tippence
then we go to see the show:
on ev&039;ry side they&039;re gath&039;r;
carryg dails, chairs an&039; stools,
an&039; are by bleth&039;r
right loud that day
here stands a shed to fend the show&039;rs,
an&039; screen our untra ntry;
there racer jess, an&039; a-three whores,
are blk at the entry
here sits a raw o&039; tittl jads,
wi&039; heavg breast an&039; bare neck;
an&039; there a batch o&039; wabster ds,
bckguardg frae kilarnock,
for fun this day
here, are thk on their ss,
an&039; upo&039; their ces;
ane curses feet that fyl&039;d his shs,
anither sighs an&039; prays:
on this hand sits a chosen swatch,
wi&039; screwed-up, grace-proud faces;
on that a set o&039; chaps, at watch,
thrang k on the sses
to chairs that day
o happy is that an, an&039; blest!
nae wonder that it pride hi!
whase a dear ss, that he likes best,
es clk down beside hi!
wi&039; ars repos&039;d on the chair back,