sweetly does pose hi;
which, by degrees, slips round her neck,
an&039;s loof upon her bo,
unkend that day
now a&039; the ngregation o&039;er
is silent expectation;
for oodie speels the holy door,
wi&039; tidgs o&039; danation:
should hornie, as ancient days,
&039;ang ns o&039; god present hi,
the vera sight o&039; oodie&039;s face,
to &039;s a het ha had sent hi
wi&039; fright that day
hear how he clears the pot o&039; faith
wi&039; rattl and wi&039; thup!
now ekly cal, now wild wrath,
he&039;s stap, an&039; he&039;s jup!
his lengthen&039;d ch, his turned-up snout,
his eldritch seel an&039; stures,
o how they fire the heart devout,
like cantharidian pisters
on sic a day!
but hark! the tent has chang&039;d its voice,
there&039;s peace an&039; rest nae nr;
for a&039; the real juds rise,
they canna sit for anr,
sith opens out his cauld harangues,
on practice and on orals;
an&039; aff the godly pour thrangs,
to gie the jars an&039; barrels
a lift that day
what signifies his barren she,
of oral powers an&039; rean?
his english style, an&039; sture fe
are a&039; clean out o&039; sean
like crates or antone,
or auld pagan heathen,
the oral an he does defe,
but ne&039;er a word o&039; faith
that&039;s right that day
guid ti es an antidote
agast sic poin&039;d nostru;
for peebles, frae the water-fit,
ascends the holy rostru:
see, up he&039;s got, the word o&039; god,
an&039; ek an&039; i has view&039;d it,
while on-sense has taen the road,
an&039; aff, an&039; up the wgate
fast, fast that day
wee iller neist the guard relieves,
an&039; orthodoxy raibles,
tho&039; his heart he weel believes,
an&039; thks it auld w