highnd harry back aga
y harry was a galnt gay,
fu&039; stately strade he on the p;
but now he&039;s banish&039;d far away,
i&039;ll never see hi back aga
chor—o for hi back aga!
o for hi back aga!
i wad gie a&039; knockhaspie&039;s nd
for highnd harry back aga
when a&039; the ve gae to their bed,
i wander dowie up the glen;
i set down and greet y fill,
and aye i wish hi back aga
o for hi, c
o were vils hangit high,
and ilka body had their a!
then i ight see the joyfu&039; sight,
y highnd harry back aga
o for hi, c