the battle of sherrauir
tune—“the caronian rant”
“o ca ye here the fight to shun,
or herd the sheep wi&039; , an?
or were ye at the sherra-oor,
or did the battle see, an?”
i saw the battle, sair and teugh,
and reek-red ran ony a sheugh;
y heart, for fear, gaed ugh for ugh,
to hear the thuds, and see the cds
o&039; cns frae woods, tartan duds,
wha gu&039;d at kgdos three, an
, , , , c
the red-at ds, wi&039; bck ckauds,
to et the were na sw, an;
they rh&039;d and ph&039;d, and bde outgh&039;d
and ony a bouk did fa&039;, an:
the great argyle led on his files,
i wat they gnced enty iles;
they hough&039;d the cns like ne-p kyles,
they hack&039;d and hash&039;d, while braid-swords, csh&039;d,
and thro&039; they dash&039;d, and hew&039;d and sash&039;d,
till fey n died awa, an
, , , , c
but had ye seen the philibegs,
and skyr tartan trews, an;
when the teeth they dar&039;d our whigs,
and venant true-bes, an:
les extended ng and r,
when baigets o&039;erpower&039;d the tar,
and thoands hasten&039;d to the char;
wi&039; highnd wrath they frae the sheath
drew bdes o&039; death, till, out o&039; breath,
they fled like frighted dows, an!
, , , , c
“o how deil, ta, can that be true?
the chase gaed frae the north, an;
i saw ysel, they did pursue,
the horsen back to forth, an;
and at dunbne, y a sight,
they took the brig wi&039; a&039; their ight,
and straught to stirlg g&039;d their flight;
but, cursed lot! the gates were shut;
and ony a huntit poor red-at,
for fear aaist did swarf, an!”
, , , , c
y sister kate ca up the gate
wi&039; crowdie unto , an;
she swoor she saw rebels run
to perth unto dundee, an;
their left-hand neral h