ad nae skill;
the ang ds had nae gude will
that day their neibors&039; bde to spill;
for fear, for foes, that they should lose
their gs o&039; brose; they scar&039;d at blows,
and haward fast did flee, an
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they&039;ve lost galnt ntlen,
aang the highnd cns, an!
i fear y lord panure is s,
or fallen whiggish hands, an,
now wad ye sg this double fight,
fell for wrang, and for right;
but ony bade the world gude-night;
then ye ay tell, how pell and ll,
by red cyores, and kets knell,
wi&039; dyg yell, the tories fell,
and whigs to hell did flee, an
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