here&039;s a health to the that&039;s awa
here&039;s a health to the that&039;s awa,
here&039;s a health to the that&039;s awa;
and wha na wish gude ck to our cae,
ay never gude ck be their fa&039;!
it&039;s gude to be rry and wise,
it&039;s gude to be honest and true;
it&039;s gude to support caledonia&039;s cae,
and bide by the buff and the be
here&039;s a health to the that&039;s awa,
here&039;s a health to the that&039;s awa,
here&039;s a health to charlie the chief o&039; the cn,
altho&039; that his band be but sa&039;!
ay liberty et wi&039; suess!
ay prudence protect her frae evil!
ay tyrants and tyranny te i&039; the ist,
and wander their way to the devil!
here&039;s a health to the that&039;s awa,
here&039;s a health to the that&039;s awa;
here&039;s a health to taie, the norn&039; ddie,
that lives at the g o&039; the w!
here&039;s freedo to the that wad read,
here&039;s freedo to the that wad write,
there&039;s nane ever fear&039;d that the truth should be heard,
but they who the truth would dite
here&039;s a health to the that&039;s awa,
an&039; here&039;s to the that&039;s awa!
here&039;s to aitnd and wybe, let wha doesna like &039;e
be built a hole the wa&039;;
here&039;s tir that&039;s red at the heart
here&039;s fruit that is und at the re;
and ay he be that wad turn the buff and be at
be turn&039;d to the back o&039; the door
here&039;s a health to the that&039;s awa,
here&039;s a health to the that&039;s awa;
here&039;s chiefta &039;leod, a chiefta worth gowd,
tho&039; bred aang ountas o&039; snaw;
here&039;s friends on baith sides o&039; the firth,
and friends on baith sides o&039; the eed;
and wha wad betray old albion&039;s right,
ay they never eat of her bread!