a tipplg bald
on the duke of brunswick&039;s breakg up his cap, and the defeat of the atrians, by duourier, noveber 1792
when prces and pretes,
and hot-headed zealots,
a&039;europe had set a low, a low,
the poor an lies down,
nor envies a crown,
and forts hiself as he dow, as he dow,
and forts hiself as he dow
the bck-headed eagle,
as keen as a beagle,
he hunted o&039;er height and o&039;er howe,
the braes o&039; appe,
he fell a trap,
e&039;en let hi e out as he dow, dow, dow,
e&039;en let hi e out as he dow
but truce with otions,
and new-fangled notions,
a buper, i trt you&039;ll allow;
here&039;s e our good kg,
and charlotte his een,
and ng ay they rg as they dow, dow, dow,
and ng ay they rg as they dow