a&039;, all
a-back, behd, away
abiegh, aloof, off
abls, v aibls
aboon, above up
abread, abroad
abreed, breadth
ae, one
aff, off
aff-hand, at once
aff-loof, offhand
a-fiel, afield
afore, before
aft, oft
aften, often
agley, awry
ah, behd
aibls, perhaps
aidle, foul water
aik, oak
aiken, oaken
a, own
air, early
airle, earnest oney
airn, iron
airt, direction
airt, to direct
aith, oath
aits, oats
aiver, an old horse
aizle, a cder
a-jee, ajar; to one side
ake, as
ane, alone
ang, along
aaist, alost
aang, aong
an, if
an&039;, and
ance, once
ane, one
aneath, beneath
anes, ones
anither, another
aa-fontis, sprg water
aa-vitae, whiskey
arle, v airle
ase, ashes
asklent, askew, askance
aspar, aspread
asteer, astir
a&039;thegither, altother
athort, athwart
aeel, truth
aeen, beeen
aught, eight
aught, possessed of
aughten, eighteen
aughtls, at all
auld, old
auldfarran, auldfarrant, shrewd, old-fashioned, sagacio
auld reekie, edburgh
auld-warld, old-world
auo, als
ava, at all
awa, away
awald, backways and doubled up
awauk, awake
awauken, awaken
awe, owe
awkart, awkward
awnie, bearded
ayont, beyond
ba&039;, a ball
backet, bucket, box
backit, backed
backls-, g back
back-yett, gate at the back
bade, endured
bade, asked
baggie, stoach
baig&039;s, bayos
baillie, agistrate of a sts burgh
baie, bony
bairn, child
bairnti, brood
baith, both
bakes, biscuits
balts, bald