balou, lby
ban, swear
ban&039;, band (of the presbyterian clergyan)
bane, bone
bang, an effort; a blow; a r nuber
bang, to thup
banie, v baie
ban, bon
bannock, bonnock, a thick oatal cake
bardie, di of bard
barefit, barefooted
barket, barked
barley-brie, or bree, barley-brew-ale or whiskey
bar, yeast
barie, yeasty
barn-yard, stackyard
bartie, the devil
bashg, abashg
batch, a nuber
batts, the botts; the lic
bauckie-bird, the bat
baudrons, baudrans, the cat
bauk, cross-bea
bauk, v bawk
bauk-en&039;, bea-end
bauld, bold
bauldest, boldest
bauldly, boldly
bauy, baly
bawbee, a half-penny
bawdrons, v baudrons
bawk, a field path
baws&039;nt, white-streaked
bear, barley
beas&039;, beasts, ver
beastie, di of beast
beck, a curtsy
beet, feed, kdle
beild, v biel
beng, belong
beld, bald
bel, assault
bellys, bellows
belyve, by and by
ben, a parlor (ie, the ner apartnt); to the parlor
benost, ost
be-north, to the northward of
be-uth, to the uthward of
bethankit, grace after at
beuk, a book: devil&039;s pictur&039;d beuks-pyg-cards
bicker, a wooden cup
bicker, a short run
bicker, to flow swiftly and with a slight noise
bicker, noisy ntention
bickerg, hurryg
bid, to ask, to wish, to offer
bide, abide, endure
biel, bield, a shelter; a sheltered spot
biel, fortable
bien, fortable
bien, bienly, fortably
big, to build
bigg, buildg
bike, v byke
bill, the bull
billie, fellow, rade, brother
bgs, heaps
birdie, di of bird; al aidens
birk, the birch
birken, birchen
birkie, a fellow
birr, force, vi