birrg, whirrg
birses, bristles
birth, berth
bit, sall (eg, bit ssie)
bit, nick of ti
bitch-fou, pletely drunk
bizz, a frry
bizz, buzz
bizzard, the buzzard
bizzie, by
bck-bon, the presbyterian elder
bck-nebbit, bck-beaked
bd, v bud
be, be, livid
bstet, bstit, bsted
bstie, a bsted (ie, daned) creature; a little wretch
bte, odest, bashful
bther, bdder
bud, a r antity
bud, to sp, pelt
bw, blow
bw, to brag
bg, blog
bwn, blown
bleer, to blear
bleer&039;t, bleared
bleeze, bze
blel, a babbler; a railer; a bsterer
blether, blethers, nonsense
blether, to talk nonsense
blether&039;, talkg nonsense
bl&039;, bld
blk, a gnce, a ont
blk, to gnce, to she
blkers, spies, oglers
blk, sirkg, leerg
bl&039;t, blded
blitter, the snipe
be-gown, the livery of the licensed beggar
bid, blood
bidy, bloody
b, to bloo
bntie, a stupid
blypes, shreds
bobbed, curtsied
bocked, voited
boddle, a farthg
bode, look for
bodk, tailor&039;s needle
body, bodie, a pern
boggie, di of bog
bogle, a bogie, a hobgobl
bole, a hole, or sall recess the wall
bonie, bonnie, pretty, beautiful
bonilie, prettily
bonnock, v bannock
&039;boon, above
boord, board, surface
boord-en&039;, board-end
boortress, elders
boost, t needs
boot, paynt to the barga
bore, a chk, recess
botch, an angry tuor
bouk, a huan trunk; bulk
bountith, bounty
&039;bout, about
bow-hough&039;d, bandy-thighed
bow-kail, cabba
bow&039;t, bent
brachens, ferns
brae, the slope of a hill
braid, broad
broad-cith, broad-cloth
braik, a harr