fock, focks, folk
fodl, dupy
foor, fared (i e, went)
foorsday, thursday
forbears, forebears, forefathers
forby, forbye, besides
forfairn, worn out; forlorn
forfoughten, exhated
father, to et with
fie, to five
forjesket, jaded
forrit, forward
fother, fodder
fou, fow, full (i e, drunk)
foughten, troubled
fouart, a polecat
four, a artet
fouth, fulness, abundance
fow, v fou
fow, a bhel
frae, fro
freath, to froth,
freit, estrand, hostile
fu&039;, full
fu&039;-han&039;t, full-handed
fud, a short tail (of a rabbit or hare)
fuff&039;t, puffed
fur, furr, a furrow
fur-ah, the hdost plough-horse the furrow
furder, suess
furder, to sueed
fur, a wooden for
fionless, pithless, sapless, tasteless,
fyke, fret
fyke, to fs; fidt
fyle, to defile, to foul
gab, the outh
gab, to talk
gabs, talk
gae, gave
gae, to go
gaed, went
gaen, gone
gaets, ways, anners
gairs, gores
gane, gone
gang, to go
gangrel, vagrant
gar, to cae, to ake, to pel
garck, the oorck
garten, garter
gash, wise; self-pcent (iplyg prudence and prosperity);
gashg, talkg, gabbg
gat, got
gate, way-road, anner
gatty, enervated
gaucie, v gawsie
gaud, a goad
gaudsan, goadsan, driver of the plough-tea
gau&039;n gav
gaun, gog
gaunted, gaped, yawned
gawky, a foolish woan or d
gawky, foolish
gawsie, buxo; jolly
gaylies, gaily, rather
ar, oney, wealth; goods; stuff
ck, to sport; toss the head
d a pike
ntles, ntry
nty, tri and elegant
ordie, di of e, a guea
t, issue, offsprg, breed
ghaist, ghost
gie, t