o give
gied, gave
gien, given
gif, if
giftie, di of gift
giglets, gigglg youngsters or aids
gillie, di of gill (gss of whiskey)
gilpey, young girl
gir, a young ewe
g, if, should, whether; by
girdle, pte of tal for firg cakes, bannocks
girn, to gr, to ist the face (but fro pa or ra, not joy);
gizz, wig
gikit, foolish, thoughtless, giddy
gizie, glossy, shy
gu&039;d, grasped
gled, a hawk, a kite
gleede, a glog al
gleg, nible, sharp, keen-witted
gleg, sartly
glieb, a portion of nd
glib-gabbet, sooth-tongued
glt, sparkle
gloa, ilight; gloa-shot, sunset
glow&039;r, stare
gnch, frown, growl
goav, lookg dazedlyl; oong
gotten, got
gowan, the wild, or ounta, daisy
gowany, vered with wild daisies
gowd, gold
gowdie, the head
gowff&039;d, struck, as the ga of golf
gowk, the cuckoo, a dolt
gowlg, ntg (as a dog grief)
graff, a grave, a vault
gra&039;d, groaned
graip, a dung-fork
graith, iplents, ar; furniture; attire
graithg, arg, vestnts
grane, groan
grannie, graunie, grandother
grape, grope
grat, wept
gree, the prize (degree)
gree, to agree
greet, to weep
groan aut, groang alt, brewed for a lyg-
grozet, a gooseberry
gruphie, the pig
grun&039;, the ground
gruntle, the face
gruntle, di of grunt
grunzie, grog
grutten, wept
gude, god
guid, gude, good
guid-e&039;en, good eveng
guid-father, father--w
guid-an, hband
guid-wife istress of the hoe
guid-willie, hearty, full of good-will
gullie, gully, a r knife
gulrava, rioto py
gulie, uddy
guption, wisdo
gty, tasty
gutcher, goodsire, grandfather