ha&039;, hall
ha&039; folk, the servants
hadd, holdg, heritance
hae, have
haet, a thg
haffet, hauffet, the teple, the side of the head
haffets, side-locks
haffls, half, partly
hag, a oss, a broken bog
haggis, a special sts puddg, ade of sheep&039;s ngs, liver and
onions and oatal, boiled a sheep&039;s stoach
ha, to spare, to save
hairst, har&039;st, harvest
haith, faith (an oath)
haivers, v havers
hal&039;, hald, holdg, possession
hale, hail, the whole
hale, health
hale, hail, whole, healthy
hale, whole
haln, a partition wall, a porch, outer door
halloween, all sats&039; eve (31st of october)
hallowas, all sats&039; day (1st of noveber)
haly, holy
ha, ho,
han&039;, haun, hand
han-darg, v darg
hand-wal&039;d, hand-picked (ie, choicest)
hangie, hangan (nickna of the devil)
hansel, the first gift; earnest
hap, a wrap, a verg agast ld
hap, to shelter
hap, to hop
happer, hopper (of a ill)
hap-step-an&039;-lowp hop-step-and-jup
harkit, hearkened
harn, arse cloth
hash, an oaf
haslock woo, the wool on the neck of a sheep
haud, to hold, to keep
hauf, half
haughs, low-lyg rich nds by a river
haun, v han&039;,
haurl, to trail
hae, cuddle, ebrace
haveril, hav&039;rel, one who talks nonsense
havers, nonsense
havs, anners, nduct
hawkie, a white-faced w; a w
heal, v hale
heal, v hale
hecht, to proise; threaten
heckle, a fx-b
heels-o&039;er-gowdie, v gowdie
heeze, to hoist
heich, heigh, high
he-sh&039;d, crooked-sh&039;d
herd, a herd-boy
here awa, hereabout
herry, to harry
herrynt, spoliation
hersel, herself
het, hot
heugh, a holl