janwar, january
jauk, to trifle, to dally
jauner, gabber
jauntie, di of jaunt
jaup, spsh
jaw, talk, ipudence
jaw, to throw, to dash
jeeg, to jog
jillet, a jilt
jip, sall, slender
jiply, neatly
jips, stays
jk, the slip
jk, to frisk, to sport, to dod
jker, dodr (ette); a jker noble; a noble goer
jirket, bodice
jirt, a jerk
jiz, a wig
jo, a sweetheart
jocteleg, a csp-knife
jouk, to duck, to ver, to dod
jow, to jow, a verb which cded both the sgg otion and
und of a r bell (r b)
jupet, jupit, juped
jundie, to jostle
jurr, a servant wench
kae, a jackdaw
kail, kale, the lewort; cabba; sts&039; broth
kail-bde, the leaf of the lewort
kail-gullie, a cabba knife
kail-runt, the ste of the lewort
kail-whittle, a cabba knife
kail-yard, a kitchen garden
ka, kane, rents kd
ka, a b
kebars, rafters
kebbuck, a cheese; a kebbuck heel = the st crt of a cheese
keckle, to cackle, to giggle
keek, look, gnce
keek-gss, the lookg-gss
keel, red chalk
kelpies, river deons
ken, to know
kenna, know not
kenn, a very little (rely as uch as can be perceived)
kep, to catch
ket, the fleece on a sheep&039;s body
key, ay
kiaugh, anxiety
kilt, to tuck up
kir, a wench, a gossip; a wife
k&039;, kd
kg&039;s-hood, the 2d stoach a ruant (eivocal for the scrotu)
ktra, untry
kirk, church
kirn, a churn
kirn, harvest ho
kirsen, to christen
kist, chest, unter
kitchen, to relish
kittle, difficult, ticklish, delicate, fickle
kittle, to tickle
kittl, kitten
kiutl, cuddlg
knaggie, knobby
knapp-hars, hars for breakg stones
knowe, knoll