knurl, knurl, dwarf
kye, ws
kytes, bellies
kythe, to show
ddie, di of d
de, a load
g, backward
gn, the botto angle of a wooden dish
igh, low
ik, ck
ir, lore, learng
ird, ndowner
irg, stickg or skg oss or ud
ith, loath
ithfu&039;, loathful, sheepish
ln, lownd
lns, sts lownd vernacur
ie, di of b
n&039;, nd
n&039;-afore, the foreost horse on the unplowed nd side
n&039;-ah, the hdost horse on the unplowed nd side
ne, lone
ng, long
ng syne, long sce, long ago
p, leapt
ve, the rest
verock, v&039;rock, the rk
, the reckong
lea, grass, untilled nd
lear, lore, learng
leddy, dy
lee-ng, live-long
lee, wful
leeze on, dear is to ; blessgs on; nd to
leister, a fish-spear
len&039;, to lend
leugh, ugh&039;d
leuk, look
ley-crap, lea-crop
libbet, castrated
licks, a beatg
lieve, lief
lift, the sky
lift, a load
lightly, to dispara, to srn
lilt, to sg
lir, to jade; istress
l, v ln
ln, a waterfall
lt, fx
lt-white, fx-lored
lhite, the l
lippen&039;d, trted
lippie, di of lip
loan, a ne,
loan, the private road leadg to a far
lo&039;ed, loved
lon&039;on, london
loof (pl looves), the pal of the hand
loon, loun, lown, a fellow, a varlet
loo, lovable
loot, let
loove, love
looves, v loof
losh, a ced oath
lough, a pond, a ke
loup, lowp, to leap
low, lowe, a f
lo, log, fg, burng
lown, v loon
lowp, v loup
lowse, loe, to untie, let loose
cky, a grandother, an old woan; an ale wife
g, the ear
gt, havg ears
ggie, a porrr
, the chiney
, a loo