di, a balloon bon
nches, full portions
nt, a n of soke or stea
nt, sokg
ve, love
lyart, gray neral; dislored by decay or old a
lyn, lg
ae, ore
ailen, ail, a far
ailie, olly
air, ore
aist ost
aist, alost
ak, ake
ak o&039;, ake o&039;, to pet, to fondle
all, ally
anteele, a antle
ark, rk, an old sts (13 1-3d sterlg)
ash, of ixed al
ask-pat, the teapot
auk, a hare
aun, t
aunna, tn&039;t
aut, alt
avis, the thrh
a, og
awn, own
awn, a r basket
ar, a are
ikle, ickle, uckle, uch, great
lder, a grdg rn
ll, to ddle
lvie, to powder with al-dt
n&039;, nd
nse, tact, discretion, politeness
nseless, unannerly
rle, the bckbird
rran, arian
ss john, ass john, the parish priest, the ister
ss, a cur, a ongrel
idden, a dunghill
idden-creels, anure-baskets
idden dub, idden puddle
idden-hole, a gutter at the botto of the dunghill
ilkg shiel, the ilkg shed
i, pri, affectedly ek
i-ou&039;d, pri-lipped
&039;, d, rebrance
d, to reber, to bear d
nie, other
irk, dark
isca&039;, to iscall, to abe
ishanter, ishap
islear&039;d, ischievo, unannerly
istak, istake
isteuk, istook
ither, other
ixtie-axtie, nfed
onie, any
ools, crublg earth, grave
oop, to nibble, to keep close pany, to ddle
ottie, dty
ou&039;, the outh
oudieworts, oles
uckle, v ikle
l-kail, beefless broth
utchk, an english pt
na, nae, no, not
naethg, naithg, nothg
naig, a nag
nane, none,
nappy, ale, lior
natch, a notchg iplent; abe
neebor, neibor, neighbor
needna, needn&039;t
neist, next
neuk, newk, a nook, a rn