new-ca&039;d, newly driven
nick (auld), nickie-ben, a na of the devil
nick, to sever; to slit; to nail, to seize away
nickie-ben, v nick
nick-nackets, curiosities
nicks, cuts; the rgs on a w&039;s horns
nieve, the fist
nieve-fu&039;, fistful
niffer, exchan
nit, a nut
no, not
nocht, nothg
nornd, northern
nowt, nowte, cattle
o&039;, of
o&039;erword, the refra; catchword
onie, any
or, ere, before
orra, extra
o&039;t, of it
ought, aught
oughtls, aughtls, aught the least; at all
ourie, shiverg, droopg
outler, unhoed
owre, over, too
owsen, oxen
owthor, author
oxter&039;d, held up under the ars
pack an&039; thick, nfidential
paidle, to paddle, to wade; to walk with a weak action
paidle, nail-bag
pach, the paunch
paitrick, a partrid; ed eivocally of a wanton girl
pang, to cra
parishen, the parish
parritch, porrid
parritch-pats, porrid-pots
pat, pot
pat, put
pattle, pettle, a plow-staff
paughty, haughty
paukie, pauky, pawkie, artful, sly
pechan, the stoach
pech, pantg, blog
penny-fee, wa oney
penny-wheep, sall beer
pettle, v pattle
philibeg, the highnder&039;s kilt
phrais, ftterg, wheedlg
phrase, to ftter, to wheedle
pickle, a few, a little
pt (sts), three iperial pts
pit, put
pcads, procations
pck, four pennies (sts)
pckless, penniless
piden, arse woolen cloth
pister, pster
plenish&039;d, stocked
pleugh, plew, a plow
pliskie, a trick
pliver, a plover
pock, a poke, a bag, a wallet
pod, to seize, to distra, to ipound
poortith, poverty
pou, to pull
pouch, pocket
pouk, to poke
poupit, pulpit