poe, a ph
posie, a hare (al a cat)
pouther, powther, powder
pouts, chicks
pow, the poll, the head
pownie, a pony
pow&039;t, pulled
pree&039;d, pried (proved), tasted
preen, a p
prent, prt
prie, to taste
prief, proof
prigg, hagglg
prisie, di of pri, precise
proveses, provosts
pu&039;, to pull
puddock-stools, toadstools, hroos
puir, poor
pun&039;, pund, pound
pursie, di of purse
psie, a hare
pyet, a agpie
pyke, to pick
pyles, gras
at, it, itted
ean, a young woan, a ss
eir, choir
ey, a young w
ietl-wise, ietly
o&039;, od, h
rab, rob
rade, rode
raep, a rope
ragweed, ragwort
raibles, recites by rote
rair, to roar
rair, roarg
rair&039;t, roared
raise, rase, rose
raize, to excite, anr
rafeezl&039;d, exhated
ragunshoch, surly
ra-sta, headlong
randie, wless, obstrepero
randie, randy, a sundrel, a rascal
rant, to rollick, to roister
rants, rry etgs; rows
rape, v raep
raploch, hospun
rash, a rh
rash-bs, a cp of rhes
rashy, rhy
rattan, rattoon, a rat
ratton-key, the rat-ay
raucle, rough, bitter, sturdy
raught, reached
raw, a row
rax, to stretch, to extend
rea, crea, foa
rea, to crea, to foa
reave, to rob
rebute, rebuff
red, advised, afraid
red, rede, to advise, to unsel
red-wat-shod, red-wet-shod
red-wud, stark ad
reek, soke
reekie, reeky, soky
reestit, srched
reestit, refed to go
reif, theivg
read, redy
rickles, sall stacks of rn the fields
rief, pnder
rig, a rid
rigg, the roof-tree, the roof
rigwoodie, lean
r, to run
ripp, a handful of rn